About & the Team

Alexa Interiors is a full-service Interior Design firm that is known for translating clients’ design needs into functional and fabulously customized spaces.

ALEXA COWLEY – Principal Designer
Alexa Interiors was856940_534962186524848_473756913_o started by Alexa Cowley in 2000.  Alexa is the big picture gal.  She oversees the master plans for our staging and renovation projects, develops the design, coordinates the team and manages the implementation of all our projects.
Motto: “Saving the world, one house at a time.”
KATIE BEACH – Operations Manager
Katie makes all the details happen!  Katie handles our client communications, scheduling, ordering, pricing and invoicing as well as maintaining our samples and resource library.
Code name: “Radar”

KIM MCINTOSH- Interior Designer
                                                                       Kim brings the latest and greatest to every project!  Kim assesses staging and design          needs, develops room layouts, sources furniture, accessories and lighting and then assists with plan implementation.      Kim McIntosh
Favorite design tip: “If in doubt…paint it.”